
Next week, the Year 5 Challenge Detroit cohort will be going through their final interview round! Over the past few months, I have received a number of calls, messages, and have had several conversations with potential fellows who are eager to learn more about how they can strengthen their applications. Through the conversations, it has become clear to me that next year will be another great year for the program.

It is during this times that I have to take a minute to reflect on my own experiences as a Challenge Detroit applicant. The story is actually quite fascinating; I was living in Germany at the time, and I had a very important performance engagement at the American General Consulate the night before the interview trip. That evening, I packed my bags and went to the consulate to perform. It was a huge honor, and the performance went well, but immediately after it, I transitioned into mentally preparing for the international journey and “audition” that awaited me here in Detroit.

Thank heavens, my travels went smoothly and we landed ahead of schedule, giving me just enough time to brush my teeth, dust off my suit for an afternoon of interviews at the Fort Shelby Hotel.

To my amazement, they all went well, and I was graciously offered a position with my current host company, Detroit Future City.

Since my start in September of 2015, a lot has changed at DFC; to name a few, we are a newly formed 501c3, and have a wonderful, visionary Executive Director, Anika Goss-Foster.

At work, I get to work on several exciting projects that address blight and land stewardship in the neighborhoods of Detroit. Through my work, I get to document the processes of residents and community stakeholders as they tackle the challenges and triumphs that come with activating land and engaging the residents around them.

Fellowship Fridays with Challenge Detroit allow me to broaden my understanding of the City of Detroit through challenge projects centered around workforce development, education, event marketing, small business development, and vacant land use, all through the lens of community engagement.

For me, it is too early to think about my life in this city after Challenge Detroit, so for now I will continue to gain as much as I can from this work.

To the potential fellows; break a leg!