Oh, what a year it has been already!

Remember how I said it’s important to dream? Well, don’t just dream, put those dreams down on paper! I believe that vision boards are very helpful tools for making your dreams become a reality.

Take mine for example:


Some things I envision for myself this year are: a puppy best friend, a new job with Wayne County Executive Warren Evans and his executive team, mastering my time and using it to its full potential by planning out each day and filling it with the things I love, trips (lots of traveling), community work and growth, and why not, love. (Things not yet pictured but coming soon: University of Michigan masters degree, and a house in Southwest before buying more properties around the city.)

I know it seems like a lot, but two of my visions came true in January, so I think I’m off to a good start!

Sophia came into my life unexpectedly, and I really wasn’t sure if it was the right time to get a dog, but I knew in my heart that I’ve been wanting one forever and that I needed a friend to keep me company at home.

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So the world brought me, Sophia! <3 

Next, the universe decided that I had what it took to work next to Warren Evans and his team, and I’m so grateful to them. This doesn’t mean that I’m leaving Challenge Detroit, because the universe knows how much I love this fellowship and the work we’re doing with amazing nonprofits, currently with Goodwill and COTS.

This does mean that I will no longer be with the Detroit Lions, but I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. I was able to work for a whole season with a big NFL franchise and experienced things only a small pool of people do. I’m humbled to have been able to meet all the players, alumni, watch the games from the sidelines, see Big Sean perform, and spend all season working with children in the city and those most in need in Michigan. It has been absolutely amazing to say the least, and I’m so grateful to the Lions for picking me, out of 50+ candidates they could’ve chosen from. Especially since during my interview I was completely honest in saying, “I know nothing about football, but I know Detroit and our needs.”

During my toughest years in life I realized one thing and it was this: We Get What We Deserve, Not What We Desire. Another reminder I have for myself on my vision board. Remember to dream big, but to also put in the work to accomplish those goals. Once you’ve made your vision board, said your prayers to God and the universe, let it go and put in the work. You soon realize that ‘work’ is not really work when you’re doing what it takes to accomplish your goals.

I’m so honored to be a part of Challenge Detroit, to have spent this season with the Lions, and look forward to spending my time with Wayne County as I finish up my fellowship and continue to work, play, give, and live in this city that has given me everything that I have today.

Thank you, universe.

Thank you, Detroit <3

P.S Put your vision board somewhere where you can always see it! Happy visioning and many good vibes!
