Have you ever stopped to reflect and envision where you’d like to be 10 years from now?

At our latest Challenge Friday we participated in a future visioning activity that gave me the chills. We were asked to take some time and think about what our upcoming year would be like, and where we would end up by Friday, December 18th 2016. Now, granted next year December 18th falls on a Saturday, but the results of the activity for me were still powerful.

Our future visioning activity went like this:

Set Up:

There were two circles, one inner circle, and one outer circle, with chairs facing each other. They were arranged in sections of three. Fellows sitting in the inner circle faced the outer circle and had to speak to the other two fellows. Once they’ve said their piece, the inner circle fellow got up, and walked to the next three person section and spoke to those two fellows who weren’t allowed to do anything but listen. We did this three times, and each time I rose off my seat, I felt my confidence rise with me.

Future Visioning Activity:

We were asked to close our eyes and envision how 2016 went with our host companies. We were asked to think about what happened after Challenge. What were our greatest achievements in work? In life? What did we want to personally accomplish?

I sat there thinking about the Lions and how I wanted to continue to learn and grow. I’m also currently in the middle of job interviews for a position that could further change my life, so I thought about that. I thought about grad school. I thought about owning a home. I thought of finding love or at least the confidence that I can wholeheartedly love again. I envisioned a year where my prayers and hard work paid off. The envisioning part for me was the easy part, but we were then asked to share our year in one minute and all our successes for three rounds. This is where it got serious for me.

We started each round with the same sentence. And as each round progressed, so did my vision.

First round: “It’s Friday, December 18th 2016… and it’s been a really great year. Umm, I finished Challenge Detroit and it went really well with my host company. Mmm, I was able to get a new job and bought a house. I’m also getting ready to go to grad school. Hmm, what else? Oh! My dating life is great! I haven’t found the one or anything, but things are looking promising.” And then the minute was up. It went by quick.

Second round: “It’s Friday, December 18th 2016 and it’s been an amazing year. Mmm, well, I finished off the season with the Detroit Lions and was able to get a really great job that I’m currently still with. I’ve met a lot of new people and have been able to stay connected with all my friends. Umm, I bought my first house in Detroit. I’m also getting ready to start classes to get my MBA. It’s been a great year of dating and I’m confident that I’ll find the one for me.”

Third round: “It’s Friday, December 18th 2016 and this year has been an amazing year. I worked for the Detroit Lions until January when I accepted a new job position with Wayne County working in economic and community development. I was able to buy my first house in Southwest Detroit and now I’m looking to buy more properties around the city. I’m excited to start grad school and look forward to attending the University of Michigan. I was able to spend a lot of time with family and friends, and my love life has never been better. I’m confident that I’ll have an even better year in 2017 and look forward to it.”

I didn’t realize it, but every time I said my vision, it became clearer and clearer and even more realistic. I encourage everyone to reflect, envision and then share with your family, friends and coworkers. Where do you want to see yourself in 2016?

May 2016 be the year where your visions and dreams come to life.

Thank you, 2015. You were everything I dreamed of and more.