Recently, I was asked the seemingly easy-to-answer question of “how do you juggle being back in Detroit?; you have new friends and places to be as well as your childhood friends, family and favorite activities to partake in.” As I sat and pondered my response, I really thought to myself… how DO I juggle so many responsibilities, opportunities and obligations since moving back to the D?


As a native Detroiter, my family is home and always eager to occupy my weekends. Yet so are my friends that I had when I was in high school, waiting to catch up on life and get back to how things were in the past. Likewise, I have 30-some new friends who always have awesome opportunities from bar crawling to charity events/service to plan ol’ fun things to do as I begin to explore the city as a new adult-Detroiter (since I moved out when I was 17!). Finally, I have .. my JOB! Which takes more out of me than I thought.


WELL! When I consider this question, it leads me to believe that I need to expound upon each of these situations individually, as they require great time and care to let me explain. First, my FAMILY in the D….