Challenge Detroit recently launched its next application cycle and we are excited to see all the talented individuals that will be submitting their applications in the coming weeks! For those of you who have questions about the application process, life as a Fellow, and what happens after the Challenge Detroit year, we caught up with some alumni fellows to get the inside scoop.

Q: What unique qualities do you think someone needs to be a fellow?marlo

A: I think there are three top qualities a potential Challenge Detroit Fellow should have -1. a genuine love for the City of Detroit and desire to contribute to its improvement, 2. an entrepreneurial mindset, one that is agile, creative and effective with limited resources and time, and 3. a humble collaborator who is eager to actively listen to the needs of partners and other fellows.

-Marlo Staples, Year 1 Fellow


annQ: What is it like working with non-profit partners?

A: Exciting. Encouraging. Inspirational. Several of the nonprofit organizations we work with are relatively young and nimble and therefore, are open to new and sometimes “crazy” ideas. Many of these organizations encourage pushing the envelope; coming up with fresh and innovative ideas; and helping to re-frame problems. This open-minded approach is exactly what makes partnerships with nonprofits exhilarating.

In addition, many of us (Challenge Detroit fellows) are interested in starting our own organizations–both for-profit and not-for-profit. The direct involvement with leaders in the Detroit nonprofit community provides us not only the chance to study a few of the intricacies of running a nonprofit, but also builds a vast and rich network for the future.

– Ann Phillips, Year 3 Fellow

BrandenQ: What did you do to prepare for the application?

A: Challenge Detroit did an awesome job of making the application information as available as possible. I took it upon myself to reach out to current fellows to ask further questions, and they were willing to answer anything. I also watched videos from current fellows to see how to make a good one.

Branden Bufford, Year 3 Fellow


Q: How did you prepare for the interview trip?

A: I studied all of the companies that I was scheduled to interview with, as well as the Challenge Detroit organization. I prepared myself to succinctly discuss my entire resume, and how my experience and/or skills were relevant to the positions that I was interviewing for, as well as to the fellowship itself. I prepared questions to ask the interviewers about their respective organizations.

– Tia Hodges, Year 2 Fellow

isaacQ: What opportunities have come as a result of being a Challenge Detroit alum?

A: Challenge Detroit is the reason I am where I am today. When I graduated in 2012 I wanted to move to one of two cities: Baltimore or Detroit. Challenge Detroit made my decision easy and I love living, working, playing, giving and leading in Detroit. The opportunities have been endless and many stemmed from Challenge Detroit. Due to my amazing experience at my host company, Billhighway, now I work in the IT world. Similarly, during my experience at Billhighway and Challenge Detroit, I learned a lot about entrepreneurship. Although I was already part of a group looking to open a business in the city, the lessons I learned during Challenge Detroit helped me push Southwest Rides to reality in so many ways. Finally, my work at TechTown Detroit (my first job post-fellowship) happened because we partnered with TechTown for a challenge during my fellowship. All of these experiences continue to lay an amazing foundation for my professional career.

– Isaac Gilman, Year 1 Fellow

Q: What skills did you develop in your year as a fellow?

A: I developed and honed a wide variety of professional skills while serving as a Challenge Detroit Fellow.  I was able to add many new competencies to my wheelhouse, such as event planning, creating sustainable business plans, and developing media outreach strategies.  I was also afforded the opportunity to become a stronger project manager, to learn how to network smarter, and to construct my own personal brand.

-Elizabeth Machesky, Year 2 Fellow

If you’re interested in learning even more about being a Challenge Detroit Fellow check out our video below.

We hope that these perspectives will help you as you complete your application by March 5, 2017  and offer some insight on what to expect once you become a Fellow. This fellowship has impacted each participant in his or her own special way but more importantly, the program has impacted Detroit in a significant way!

Best of luck in the application process!