I’ve lived in Detroit for 5 weeks and I am completely under qualified to make all but one assertion: Detroit. It’s a lot…
Detroit is a lot of history, it’s a lot of emerging energy, it’s a lot of opinions, and it’s a lot of caring communities. I will only ever be privy to a fraction of Detroit, but I am grateful to have even the tiniest sliver of the city. As I explore the history, emergence, opinions, and communities of Detroit, I will reflect, learn from, and share my experiences.
The future of Detroit is an never ending conversation in the city and in national media. In the city, however, the discussions always includes Detroit’s history. A history, admittedly, that I do not know much about. Thus, I will spend some time this year to learn about the racial and economic histories that are shaping Detroit’s future.
Detroit has a pulse. A pulse that rushes from the many emerging movements throughout the city. I will spend some time this year exploring the rising food and cocktail scene, the emergence of the DIY/ maker movement, and other rising industries in the city.
Everyone has an opinion about Detroit. You can not stroll through Campus Martius or grab a drink without getting someone’s two cents about what’s going right and what’s going wrong in the city. With so many opinions to go around, I can afford to hold off on forming my own. I will, thus, spend this year listening to everyone else’s opinions, making sure to pass along the exceptionally interesting ones.
Detroit is large urban city; the communities, however, are small. There are various tight knit communities of bike enthusiast, foodies, social entrepreneurs, and community organizers. I will take this year to find a community where I can make a place for myself.