Sports can teach us a number of life lessons. 

Having grown up a student-athlete, one thing I learned early was the value of perseverance. My coaches, teammates, family, and friends all encouraged me to keep a ‘fighting spirit’ no matter the match, as it would ultimately influence my success.

I applied their teachings to everything I embarked on, believing if I remained resilient I could achieve anything. While this mindset may sound affirming from an objective view, overtime I realized it does not fully acknowledge what is required to overcome adversity.


How do we handle seasons wrought with difficulty?

What happens when we grow tired of fighting? 

What do we do when we feel we’ve put forth the effort, but still haven’t reaped our desired results?

The truth is that the pressure always peaks in the fourth.

Right before we enter a new stage of our journey, we will be tested to see if we are ready for more. The easy choice will tempt us to give-in, but deep down, we know something inside us deserves better. These moments request a new level of understanding – and response.

If you’re in the last leg of a race, here are three things you can do to ensure you reach the finish line:

  1. Recommit to your goals – sometimes we need to remind ourselves of our ‘why’. Revisiting, and fine-tuning, our plans indicate that we are open to change, yet still have the faith and willingness to bring our dreams to fruition.
  2. Trust the process – time is not linear, so we shouldn’t expect life to be. Finding patience and gratitude for the space that we’re in frees us from needing to control the outcome. Allowing ourselves to go with the flow can  also enable creativity and teach us resourcefulness.
  3. Lean into joy – immerse yourself in what fulfills you. Pouring our own cup of happiness ensures our emotional reservoir is full to accomplish the things we love and attracts the same energy towards us. 

What do you hope to accomplish and how are you preparing for new beginnings? Please comment below!

This blog post was contributed by Hannah Morris.