I don’t think that anyone is ever really ready for what’s to come. Nobody is ever ready to fall madly in love, fall into a deep depression, or to try to truly make a sustainable impact on someone else. Nobody is ever ready because nobody ever knows what’s going to happen or the best way of doing things.


When people ask me about Challenge Detroit and what I plan on doing after (since it’s a one year fellowship program) I have no idea what to say anymore. I also didn’t know what to say when people asked me what I was going to do after college. And the truth is that I never know what I’m doing. And I’m never ready for love, heartbreaks or the hard work, but I do it. Knowing that I’ll never be ready allows me to try to do the work, to learn from my mistakes, and do the best I can do anyway.


I’m excited to be a part of this new journey with amazing people who are ready to make the choice to try to make a difference, to love others, and to get their hearts broken. Because let’s be honest, there are issues in our city’s past and present that are truly heartbreaking. But when you accept that nothing in this life is perfect, and that you’ll never be ready, why the hell would you waste more time and stop yourself from at least trying? Detroit is beautiful in this way. Growing up in this city I let our imperfection and lack of resources inspire me to at least try to do things differently. There’s something beautiful in trying to be strong when you think that you’re not ready. You realize how strong you really are.