• Rules Of Life


These are some of the rules of life that I live by as consistently as I can.

  1. Always express gratitude as soon as you wake up.
  2. Listening to someone is the greatest compliment you can offer.
  3. Give those around you as much as you feasibly can, you may get hurt, but you’ll never regret it.
  4. Good things don’t always happen to good people, sometimes you have to create your own good.
  5. It’s okay to cry but never show weakness to your enemies.
  6. Never quit, it’s a lot harder to stop, then trying to go again than it is to push through initially.
  7. Be cautious of people who spend most their time talking about others behind their back, they’ll do the same to you.
  8. Fear is often a sign that you’re on the right path, be courageous.
  9. It’s okay to be hurt or sad or upset, but don’t make too many decisions based on those emotions solely.
  10. Tell the people you love that you love them, you never know when it may be your last chance.
  11. Happiness is overrated, it comes and goes, seek joy. Either way you control both, never give anyone else that power.
  12. People who slander you do it because they feel threatened by who you are, take it as a compliment.
  13. Never make fun of the way somebody dresses, it’s a reflection of who they are.
  14. Forgive yourself, you’ll make mistakes.
  15. Keep a notepad near your bed, your dreams may reveal something your conscious won’t.
  16. There will always be people who try to bring you down to the level they’re at, pay attention to how they do it, some are very clever.
  17. Not everyone wants you to succeed, even the ones who say they do, remember that.
  18. People always reveal pieces of their true self under pressure or when offended, again, pay attention.
  19. Hold doors open for women, even when it’s the awkward in between distance and they have to speed walk.
  20. Wine is for intimacy, Beer is for casual (unless you’re on a college campus), liquor is for fun.
  21. If you’re not taking chances you’re not doing it right.
  22. Sometimes you have to laugh at yourself.
  23. People who only make fun of you are not your friends, people who only praise you aren’t either.
  24. Beware of the person with nothing to lose.
  25. If you don’t remember someone’s name it’s fine to ask them again. A third time however then you should introduce that person to a friend such as “Hey, this is my friend Z” and allow them to say their name to your friend.
  26. Be brave even when you’re afraid, nobody can tell the difference.
  27. Compliment the meal when you’re a guest in someone’s home.
  28. Say thank you and please, too many people don’t.
  29. People who pretend to be too cool for anything are the most insecure, it’s better to always care too much than always too little.
  30. Tip generously.
  31. Wear nice clothes when you can, people do judge books by their cover.
  32. Never ruin a long term friendship with sex unless you plan on dating.
  33. Allow your body to heal naturally, it’s designed too.
  34. It’s polite to stand when you meet somebody.
  35. Work out as often as you can, you’ll thank yourself later.
  36. Set yourself apart from the passive men and the cowards and seek mentorship from those you admire.
  37. Be happy who you are all alone in the silence.
  38. If you sweep a girl off her feet then make sure you’re ready to carry her.
  39. You’re mom is right about more things than you think she is, the older you’ll get the more you see.
  40. Some people will hate you because you’re not like them, others will try to make you conform, stay true to you and never switch sides.
  41. Giving the person you love small random gifts often mean more than the ones you give on birthday’s or anniversary’s.
  42. Go out of your way to make somebody’s day when you can.
  43. Be passionate in everything you do.
  44. If you write your name on something make sure it’s your best work.
  45. Dance like nobody is watching.
  46. Talking too much can reveal how little you actually know, be silent, understand before you seek to be understood.
  47. People settle in bad relationships and bad friendships all the time, don’t let comfort make you commit the same mistake.
  48. Keep your goals from the trolls.
  49. Forgive those who’ve hurt you, no matter how serious but never forget.
  50. Pray even when you have little faith.