44“Unless you learn to face you own shadows, you will continue to see them in others, because the world outside you is only a reflection of the world inside you’’

There are strong harmonies I have witnessed between the city of Detroit and my personal running journey. To understand both copiously you must experience the entirely, both good and bad, first hand.

Running has taught me to always put one foot in front of the other regardless of the circumstances or pain. It has produced a relentless forward progress to the ”finish” line. Running is not glorious, its simply a battle of will and strength. But, when you stay loyal to it, over time incrementally your body changes. Your mind becomes calloused to effort. You no longer view running as difficult. It has taught me to never fear starting lines, or new beginnings. I do not run because I love the feeling of running. I run because it gifts me with a feeling of living I cant replicate elsewhere.

I just eclipsed my 600th mile running in my first 3 months in Detroit. Running is my means to experience all a city has to offer and it drastically changes my experience in contrast to driving to, or through somewhere. I take great pride in being a distance runner, it is a lifestyle deeply entrenched in who I am and I am a reflection of the miles.

Strength is not determined by ones physical capability but ones will to never give up. Detroit is a city with a rich history but an undeniably unpleasant past.  Regardless the spirit of Detroit, comprised of the peoples who have devoted their lives to this city, has never stop beating. The city of Detroit has stayed consistent and pushed through adversity. Detroit has been counted out time and time again on the national scene, but it has exhibited an unequaled spirit of determination and optimism. From its infancy to well-beyond the industrial age Detroit has remained relevant. As the outside world counted the city down and out In 2008, a resilient and unified ”watch us” was heard ringing from the streets of Detroit. A sound still echoing louder to this day.

Every run is an opportunity to experience first hand the ethos and beauty that makes Detroit a truly distinctive place to call home. It has presented me an opportunity to see the best and worst parts of the city and better understand all that composes the landscape of Detroit today.

As I step out the door to run, I know I can go any direction. I can run with or against the wind. Fast or slow. All with the goal of simply seeking out new sights and sounds on merely the strength of your own feet and the courage of your lungs.

And- Detroit has returned to national prominence on the strength of its longtime residents and the courage of a city who is fearless in the face of adversity.

Running has taught me that when you can overcome any hurdle. Detroit has taught me the only way you defeat any challenge is running right at it and outlasting adversity.

When I am running and my will is battling my mind and I ask myself if I have anything left; I look around at the Detroit and without hesitation know the answer is; yes.

Tough times nor tough runs last. Tough people do.