Family Walk at the Wildlife Refuge

Brené Brown writes, “Joy comes to us in moments—ordinary moments. We risk missing out on joy when we get too busy chasing down the extraordinary.” Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

For many right now, it feels like certain parts of our life are on pause. Some days are harder than others, but it doesn’t meant that our lives are not without moments worth recognition and gratitude. If I have learned anything in the last year, it is to not take for granted the small, everyday rituals and time for connection.

I’ve made list of some of the “ordinary moments” that have become a bright light in my life. I have learned to carve space for these simple moments which have brought me a sense of happiness, belonging and appreciation that I didn’t imagine I would come to rely so heavily on.

  1. A weekly virtual book club
  2. Regularly scheduled phone calls with friends
  3. Masked walks with friends & family
  4. Reading
  5. Feeling the warmth of the sun on my face
  6. Connecting with Challenge Detroit fellows (now friends) every Friday
  7. The feeling after a good workout
  8. Getting take-out from one of my favorite Detroit restaurants (Shoutout to Yum Village!)

Working with my Challenge Project 2 Team

To continue to help me be mindful of these ordinary moments, I’ve even started using a gratitude calendar to habitually note each day a moment that I was grateful for or experienced joy.

What are the ordinary moments in your life that bring you joy? How can we better find gratitude in the everyday? Share in the comments!