Andrea Daldin is a 2020-2021 Fellow. She hails from Rochester, Michigan and has a background in Sociology.

Teaching my students how to care for and ride horses on a weekend field trip this school year (Click to enlarge).

Tell us about your host company and your role in the organization.

Detroit Horse Power works to empower youth in our Detroit community through the power of horses and Social-Emotional growth. I have been the Program Manager at DHP for two years. I develop curriculum, foster community partner and barn partner relationships, plan and facilitate all of our year round youth programming.

Tell us about the challenge project you’re currently working on; what are you learning from the experience?
We are currently assisting Detroit Phoenix Center in creating a youth driven podcast. I am learning about DPC (who is DHP’s neighbor at Marygrove!), and the immensely important work they do with Detroit youth. I am also learning more about their future goals, and am excited to see them grow!

How do you hope to impact the community as a Fellow?

Visiting Detroit’s Norwest Gallery with my Challenge 3 teammates to connect with community members. Asia Hamilton is the owner of Norwest (Click to enlarge).

 Listening, learning, and knowing when to step up and step back is a key skill I want to bring when I interact with my community. I hope to leave space for others, and to continue to learn from others. I want to be tuned in, to grow in my grass roots knowledge and involvement. I also want to come out of this fellowship as a better leader and team member to collaborate with Detroiters. The way I am growing through Challenge will deepen and enhance the impact I can have on the community. Learning WITH my community, bringing people on the journey to a more social-emotionally attuned collective of neighbors.

Since becoming a Fellow, what is something new that you have learned?

I have done elements of the design thinking process before joining Challenge, without fully understanding each step. Now that I am four projects in, I can say I am well versed in the design thinking process.

How do you believe your fellowship will shape your career moving forward?
Challenge Detroit has given me the hands-on experience and connections to support me as I grow in my field. The opportunities I have had to practice have been a valuable piece of this process that will share my career and leadership going forward.

Challenge Detroit shared this image with the fellows when we were learning about DEI. I brought this image back to my staff and students to help them better understand the difference between equity and equality (Click to enlarge).

If someone is reading this and considering applying to be a Fellow, why would you encourage them to apply?
The Challenge Detroit team and program structure is very intentional and about connecting fellows to opportunities. Opportunities to grow as a professional, leader, team player, Community member, networking skills, confidence, and design thinking. Fellows grow personally and professionally and get the chance to go on that journey with a cohort of other driven community members.