Enjoy this week’s D-Blast.  I just want to add a quick note:

As I am sure you are all aware, the state’s financial review team came back with less than glowing remarks about the city’s financial situation.  This should be no surprise, but its finally being recognized, and hopefully resolved, at a larger level.  Although the review may ultimately lead to an EM, EFM, or eventual Bankruptcy, I want you all to understand that there are still amazing things going on in the city.  City government aside, there is a ton of great energy that is transforming many areas of Detroit. Dan Gilbert and his team is one shining example, but there are TONS of other examples from the grassroots level all the way up to the Dan Gilberts of the world.  Just because the city has financial woes does not mean I, or others, will stop fighting for the city.  If anything, our efforts are more important now, than ever before.  I hope you can see past the negativity that the media, and others, will shine a bright light on over the coming months.  I encourage you to continue to explore the city for the greatness that still exists and potential that is slowly being unearthed before our eyes.  If you have any questions, concerns, or general curiosities about the city, I am more than happy and excited to talk with you about them.

Grab the interactive version here: D_Blast 2.20_2.27

D_Blast 2.20_2.27