If you’re anything like me, you find any excuse for a sun spot in your living room to soak up the rays during the summer. If you aren’t in a lazy mood, you’ll venture onto your (nonexistent) balcony or out to the balconies attached to bars and restaurants. You may even be so bold as to lay in a park or an a beach–if you can find one.
Here is a list of some of my favorite sun spots around Detroit for the summer. Let the gecko-ing commence.
1. Belle Isle Beach | From Memorial Day to Labor Day, you will always have company when you want to dip your toes in the sand.
2. The Riverwalk | This was the first place I took my family when they visited over the July 4th holiday weekend, and my mom loved it. It’s definitely one of those places that’s kid tested, mother approved.
3. Campus Martius | There’s a beach in the center of the city’s downtown, so now you have no excuses for staying inside. Bring your laptop, for Pete’s sake, and get your Vitamin D!
4. Eastern Market | Bike over on a Saturday for groceries, take a stroll down to the Sunday market, or drive over one evening to explore their restaurants, bars, and art galleries. Either way, get your sun and some goods from this local treat.
5. Any of the restaurants along the riverfront | We watched the Independence Day fireworks from the dock of The Roostertail, a setup along the east side of the river. The views were so worth it.
6. Hart Plaza | The size of this public space makes it the perfect spot for events like Motor City Pride and the Movement Festival. But you could also pop over with a blanket and a book and find yourself a little nook.
7. Slow Roll | Spend an evening with Detroiters exploring new parts of the city and burning some calories with Slow Roll. Happy biking!