Fellows’ Blog: Miranda Day

  • 03.01.20170
    Challenge #1 has a place in my heart. Not only did I get to start off my year with Challenge Detroit on an awesome Sports…
  • 01.31.20170
    Perspective is . It can enlighten us and debunk our misconceptions, but it can also blind us and our ignorance. - - In many instances…
  • 12.31.20160
    What’s your ? What’s your ? -- My secret to escaping involves a lot of colour, inspiration, and often times a mess; painting is my…
  • 12.01.20160
    On Thanksgiving morning, I loaded into a car to be delivered to residents in the city. I shared a route with a friend and stranger.…
  • 11.01.20160
    Like many crazy days before, I pulled into TacoBell late one evening with the cravings. Impatient at the sight of a long drive-thru line, I…