Fellows’ Blog: Gregory Hardy

  • 02.28.20170
    Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to see The Architectural Imagination Exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit. This amazing exhibit features designs by…
  • 01.31.20170
    Whenever I leave the city I take a part of it with me. Whether it's a Lions hat or my Challenge Detroit t-shirt, I have to…
  • 12.31.20160
    How often do you step up to help make your city a better place?  If you consider how even the smallest things add up, you'll…
  • 11.30.20160
    Between four and nine years old, my mother and I traveled across the country on a wild journey. She was my superhero and I was…
  • 10.31.20160
    Growing up in Detroit, I've watched many people fall to a discouraging outlook. All too often, I've heard words like "it's too late for me," "I don't…