Challenge Detroit has given me the opportunity to get back into a slowly unveiling passion of mine – journalism and photography. While I studied and would like to think myself relatively decent at the first, the second has been a work in progress. Recently, I went out west and was happy to realize that, due to a lot of practice from friends dealing with me taking pictures around CD, I’ve gotten better – slowly but surely. Here’s a few CD and out West highlights.




But, like anything, not all pictures come out perfect every time. Here are a few bloopers (and less serious times) from throughout the year – just a  few of the places and faces from my year in CD thus far:

Sometimes, you get sad, because trees.

Other times, you’re on Belle Isle and you want to climb random piles of trees.

Trees also make excellent chairs

Pictured: Another friend I’ve made this year.

I honestly don’t have a caption for this.

Again, Trees can be sad.

Sometimes you’ve gotta escape up north.

Other times Biscuits and Gravy make for the best of dinners.

This year, a big theme has been stopping, pausing, and taking the time to look around.

Food tends to bring people together. and Coffee. Lots of Coffee.

A mid year reprieve – climbing through a canyon in Nevada. What does this have to do with Detroit? I have no clue.