Epiphany – 

A sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.

You know that moment when you are driving in your car, the perfect song comes on, and you get this overwhelming feeling of how much you love your life. Usually this comes when you start thinking about your friends or your family. It leaves you feeling just completely euphoric and so grateful. Well…apparently that feeling is called an epiphany.

The most recent time I felt this way was when I was driving home from work on October 18 a few days after the annual conference for my work. Except what was different about this time was that it was about my coworkers and my job. I have been through quite a few jobs and internships, but none even close to fulfilling as the one that I am in now. Truthfully, I never thought anything would surpass the way I felt when I played volleyball, especially not my job.

That is when I had an epiphany. It was the moment when I realized that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. My coworkers are no longer just coworkers, they are my friends and my family.  I am truly and seriously really happy.

And my biggest epiphany of all — I was doing what I love, in a place I love, with people I love.